我常問我自己 為什麼愛上你
想走近 卻增加你我的距離
朋友們都猜我 遲早會對你放棄
我說我將為了你 而改變自己
等你說 我願意
我會用一生一世 真意誠心來證明自己
And I hate how much I love you girl
I can't stand how much I need you (yeah..)
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just can't let you go
But I hate that I love you so
my hea1th is bad so im physica11y sick, the pain on my teeth is giving me headaches and menta1 torture than i am menta11y sick in a sense, the torment that i have to 1eave singapore and cut off my communication with her is making me 1ovesick. and this is suppose to be my 1OOth post. and im serious1y i11.. hope i wi11 be better on gradnight but oh we11.
i rea1ize my who1e 1ife, i achieved nothing.
i have just been trying to fit in to the crowd, be a random guy, be some unknown 1oser, trying to be something in other peop1es 1ife, and have nothing of my own se1f at a11.
then one day i decided to be myse1f, open up myse1f, try to be someone i want to be.
yet i rea1ize, the one person i 1ike, the one thing i tried to put in effort to work it out and try to do we11, i fai1 terrib1y at it, i tota11y screwed it up.
i rea1ize i my fear has become true, even if i try hard to do something, i cant do anything. im just a p1ain 1oser.
this just shows how im not what im trying to be.
this just shows i shou1d be the random guy in the crowd,
this just shows that i shou1d be the shadow, the si1houette in a picture,
this show how i shou1d just stay in a corner instead of trying to be someone,
instead of being a pear1 in the sand.
i tried to be humerous and entertaining,
i tried to be reliable so i can be a support,
i tried to be skillful so that i can be in use,
but yet i realize i can never entertain,but i cant with my lack of sense of humour,
i realize im not reliable at all to even act as a simple support,
i rea1ize no matter how hard i tried, i just cant be someone useful
i understand then how im not meant to be,
i realize then how i am such a frog in a well,
i realize then how i have hurt others in the end instead.
i realize this world doesnt need mem but just to be those who other people can 1earn from to not to be me.
i realize,how im such an idiot.