Monday, March 30, 2009
[[.jAy.]]|5:10 AM|
Monday, March 09, 2009
i,jon yek and some burnell people signed up for paintball last week last week and im so glad we did! we had great fun xP. today went to the paintballing arena xD first time doing it and i really have a great time! though it did made a dent in my wallet ><
at first its abit painful but haha soon we get used to it and we know how to avoid with skill ;P we played for bout 5 to 6 rounds and i used bout 500 bullets x/ its cool casue somewat we are like playing real life cod/cs and haha we go in teams and stormed the enemies front ;P.
the best moment is still when i weijun and jonathan guarded the second floor of the embassy xD i and jon guarded the staircase while weijun sniped. after sometime, a group of enemy members tried to come upstairs but the unfortunate first few was shot down by me and jon instead. after several futile attempt they decided to throw up a grenade and caused us to go into hiding immediately. it exploded with a great boom and one of the enemy team ran up in one of the rooms which jon was hiding in. jon shot him but he didnt felt it and he shot jon 2 times after that (which jon used his hand to skillfully block the shots since hands are off target. though jon still surrenders and left us to the main site.) in the process i spammed bullet on that guy untill he decides to surrender since he was cornered. weijun tried to do a 180 degree shot behind the wall against those on the stairs but becuase of the difficulty ofthe shot he shot be six time instead. ouch. in one of the spam shots my bulllets actually clash with the enemies one and it exploded midway (cool!) after some time another guy decided to throw up a grenade again and again we dodged it. haha after that weijun continue to guard while i go snipe and this poor guy was sniped by me so badly that he was so much in pain he dropped his gun. ( and he still didnt figure whr i was in the end) but haha i was out of bullet in the end and i left weijun thr protecting alone.
hmm in the end my only heavy injury is a big swell at my at birth bcg mark. =/ pain like hell ><
and p.s. the 2 grenades which were thrown were supposedly paint grenades and no paint were actually spilled. so i guess they were untrustable actually haha casue i causes no damage watsoever except for the loud boom.
i'll write off now. ciao.
[[.jAy.]]|5:35 AM|
我抽著差不多的烟 又过了差不多的一天
时间差不多的閒 我花著差不多的钱
口味要差不多的咸 做人要差不多的贱
活在差不多的边缘 又是差不多的一年
一个差不多的台北市 有差不多的马子
差不多又干了几次 用著差不多的姿势
看著差不多的电视 吃著差不多的狗屎
写著差不多的字 又发著差不多的誓
差不多的夜生活 又喝著差不多的酒
听著差不多的音乐 喝醉差不多的糗
有著差不多的绝望 做著差不多的梦
穿著差不多的衣服 脑袋差不多的空
差不多的掛 我说著差不多抱怨的话
时间也差不多了 该回我那差不多的家
差不多的瞎 指鹿為马 都差不多嘛
继续吧 继续瞎子摸象吧 有差吗
我是差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 这个问题艰深
差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 总在见缝插针
差不多的反覆 总是差不多又义无反顾
差不多的感触 总是差不多又愁云惨雾
差不多的孤 差不多的独
一条差不多的路 我吃著差不多的苦
我咳著差不多的药 又睡了一场差不多的觉
差不多的烦恼 差不多要把我逼疯掉
差不多的 糟 差不多的 妙
差不多的 孬 又差不多的 屌
差不多的中国风 差不多要把耳朵蒙
歹戏拖棚 差不多要帮你送个鐘
都在哭穷 差不多都像个猪头
撒 差不多的谎 虎烂差不多的强
骂人差不多的呛 不然你要怎麼样?
我是差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 这个问题艰深
差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 总在见缝插针
差不多的你 差不多的我
差不多的他 差不多的她
差不多打著哈哈 她骂著XX
嘎嘎乌拉拉 都差不多的咖
差不多先生 他像个笑话
差不多要跳不起来 还是要跳 要吧
差不多像乌龟 让乌龟乌龟翘吧
这差不多的人生 他妙吗
差不多要力争上游 想游到上游
差不多在心裡默念阿们还有佛陀 不能放牛
差不多的生活很街头 再差一点你就变成街友
我唱了八十八个差不多 都差不多
差不多 先生不会在乎这麼多
日子应该怎麼过 差不多的2008怎麼豁
我是差不多先生 热狗
我是差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 这个问题艰深
差不多先生 我的差不多是天生
代表我很天真 也代表我是个贱人
这差不多的人生 总在见缝插针
[[.jAy.]]|5:35 AM|
Name: Wong Wen Fu
Age: 17
Schools: Nan Hua High School (graduated T__T)
Concord College
Bday: 9th June 1991
CCA: chess club (wei qi) [gradutaed] fencing,bridge club,archery,economic society
Horoscope: gemini
My likes
songs: jay chou,raps,anything thats nice to hear and applies to me
sports:soccer,pool,basketball,table tennis,archery,fencing
My dislikes
annoying songs and people
people who take most of the things around them for granted (one of the reason i dun like myself)
everything will be peaceful for my trip to uk
A'LeveL result is good enough to at least enter a good uni in london
sort out my life
sort out my social life
learn how to communicate and how to entertain people
Incomparable to Jay